Founded in 1986 by professor Bryan Wade, produced by MFA students, Brave New Play Rites is supported by the Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia.

Founded in 1986 by professor Bryan Wade, produced by MFA students, Brave New Play Rites is supported by the Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia.


By Christopher Evans

The Story:
Fearing the end of his marriage to Veronica, Robert tries to make good on a long-standing promise to take her to sea. As the two of them drift helplessly in the Strait of Georgia, with only one oar and nothing to eat, they are forced to evaluate the real reason that they’re sinking and question if they can keep their relationship afloat.

Robert - Simon MacIntyre
Veronica - Taylor Scott



By Aaron Chang

The Story:
David is your average gay, Chinese guy with an average job and a slightly more than average husband. So it’s a little surprising when his first boyfriend, Sam, shows up at his doorstep, sixteen years after they last saw each other. Now married to a woman and unsatisfied with his life, Sam hopes to take David up on an offer he made all those years ago. It’s the stuff of movies, but as David and Sam find out, reality isn’t always as neat and tidy as a Hollywood romance film.

David - MinSoo Jeong
Samuel - Kenny Wong

Creative Team:

Director: Jamie King
Set Design: Austin Wang
Lighting Design: Andrew Pye

Stage Management: Ndola Hutton
Production Manager: Jayson McLean

Directing Mentors: Tom Scholte & Kathleen Duborg

Production and Rehearsal Pictures:

Drifting promo photo by Brent Danley
In The Movies promo photo by Emma Pollard