Produced by With a Spoon Theatre
a guest production at Pacific Theatre
in association with Rumble Theatre
October 18 - November 10, 2018
Directed by: Jamie King
Creative Team:
Nicole Weismiller Lighting Design
Matthew MacDonald-Bain Sound Design
Chantal Short Costume Design
Victoria Snashall Stage Manager
#00 Kim Larson
#2 Amanda Sum/Anjela Magpantay
#7 Danielle Klaudt
#8 Georgia Beaty
#11 Jalen Saip
#13 Ali Watson
#14 Montserrat Videla
#25 Shona Struthers
#46 Paige Louter
Soccer Mom Tanja Dixon-Warren
Nominated for 2 Jessie Richardson Awards:
Outstanding Direction (Small Theatre)
Outstanding Production (Small Theatre)
The Story:
A pack of teenage girls prepares for battle on the soccer field. In the exhilaration of adolescence, they grapple with everything from pop culture to politics, discovering their identities as individuals and as a team. Who will come out on top?
How do we define ourselves?
To check out my director’s notes: CLICK HERE
“Director Jamie King and her ten actors—create an intermissionless 100 minutes of comedy, drama, athleticism and insight into the hearts and brains of a demographic that rarely gets treated with the seriousness this very smart script allows them… I could say something about every one of these excellent performances, but the real strength of the show is its seamless ensemble. As #25 says, “Teamwork makes the dream work.” That’s as true on the stage as on the pitch, and these Wolves are certainly winners.”
-Jerry Wasserman, Vancouver Plays
“Director Jamie King and her cast are in perfect sync, nailing both the complex rhythms of the dialogue and the considerable physicality of DeLappe’s script.”
-Kathleen Oliver, The Georgia Straight
“The Wolves is a meditation on adolescence, on womanhood, on the pressure we all put on ourselves and our desperate need to be part of a group. It’s refreshing to see a show that presents young women as they are.”
-Lillian Jasper, Two Cents & Two Pence
“It’s utterly absorbing. Under Jamie King’s direction, the 100 minutes zoom by.”
-David Johnston, Colin Thomas’ Fresh Sheet
“And that was it, the honesty. The performances ran true. The situations, the fears, the pettiness, the grand hopes for the greater world, the injustice and the sense of justice that runs through all of us is heightened by adolescent hormones and the leaving of childhood’s certainty. All that, coupled with the feared, and the longed-for, approach of adulthood makes this play what it is.”
-Lorraine Graves, Richmond Sentinel
“Pulling it all together is a team in the truest form of the word, led by director King. Despite its relatively short run time, DeLappe has managed to give us nine distinct characters, providing each with an opportunity to be heard and seen.. [T]here is not a single weak link in a cast who not only bring authenticity to their performances, but make equally convincing soccer players.”
-Mark Robins, Vancouver Presents
"The Wolves is about family, community, and teamwork. It highlights bullying and acceptance, weaving in the mundane with the serious, and forces the talented cast to go through a roller coaster of emotions that one would with any chosen family."
-Alan Woo, Fun Fun Vancouver
“But precisely because of my remoteness from the teenage soccer demographic, whether on the field or in the bleachers, I can attest that DeLappe’s script, director Jamie King’s interpretation and Vancouver’s own With a Spoon Theatre production pack a kick that far transcends the particulars of their narrative context. The fast-paced show can be, by turns, funny or tense or tear jerking with hardly a pause to catch breath. But amidst all the mercurial mood shifts, diffuse action and interweaving subplots, we catch inklings of powerful, universal overtones.”
-Lincoln Kaye, Vancouver Observer
"Like many stories that use sport as a metaphor for basic human endeavour, The Wolves (the team, not the play) show us that a team of diverse personalities can move forward in the spirit of togetherness for the collective good."
-John Jane, Review Vancouver
Previews & Top Picks:
Fall Arts Preview 2018 Theatre Critics' Picks - Georgia Straight
A CRITIC’S DOZEN: 11 must-see fall shows - Colin Thomas
Ensemble piece The Wolves gives voice to a girls' soccer team - Shawn Conner, Vancouver Sun
PREVIEW: Pacific Theatre Presents THE WOLVES - My Van City
TOP TEN PICK: The best of Vancouver theatre in 2018 - Vancouver Presents
Best of Vancouver Arts 2018 - The Georgia Straight
Production Photos:

Promotional Pictures and Trailer by Riun Garner
Production Pictures by Ron Reed
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.